Monday, 14 March 2011

Week Nine

Nothing specific to post from this week.

But here is a link to the sad story of Marcus the sheep


Please have presentations of your final projects ready for next week. If you want to run anything by either of us before then please do so



Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Week Eight

The final brief is available here:

Final Brief

Feel free to make a start for next week, at the very least choose which of the topics you are going to cover.

The MA the Tricia Austin spoke about is:

A useful industry directory can be found here:

Anne Prugnon spoke about the development of Atmosphere at the Science museum.

She also kindly offered to answer any further questions via this.

If you do send emails please try and make them succinct and to the point and gather questions into single emails rather than bombarding her with multiple individual questions.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Week Seven

Thanks for all your work this week, all the projects are looking very clear and convincing in terms of narrative messaging, and the structures to deliver them are developing well.
No notes or presentation from this week but we did mention a few things that you might like to follow up:

For next week can we please have clearly drawn plans of your proposed experiences.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Week Six Brief

Here is the Narrative Brief.

Please get your stories figured out and selected for next week's lesson.

They don't need to be over complex and don't need to be overly detailed, the clarity of the relationship between your narrative threads is the important thing.

We mentioned the Wellcome Collection, go and visit.

I believe I also mentioned Philip Hughes' - Exhibition Design. It's a good how-to guide for creating exhibitions.

Friday, 18 February 2011


As discussed during Monday the 14th's class, the diagrams to the left are commonly used narrative lead layouts. They are found in exhibition and retail environments, both temporary and permanent.

Over the weekend please photograph examples of these layouts being used, and come on Monday 21st prepared to describe them in terms of the stories they are structuring.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Tim Gardom Associates

This company use a narrative based system of content development for interpretive environments

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Week Five Presentation

Topics Covered:
Narrative definition
Narrative presence in design
Introduction to developing design narratives
Structuring narratives in spaces

This doesn't add anything to the notes but there are some nice examples of spaces structured according to narratives towards the end.

Narrative Presentation